Dreamers from around the world are sending in their dreams. This Dreamlist includes a trip to Japan, to read 10 books in 2020 and to work out 3 times a week.

The Dreamlist

A manifestation tool that helps articulate your dreams for the year ahead into reality through a customized artwork you can look at every day! Transformed into art by the Dreame Collective of artists. Shipped directly to your home as a stunning Framed Fine Art Print or screen saver reminding you daily of the dreams you wish to achieve.

“Individuals are drawn to Dreamlist because they are introspective and curious about how and why they operate. “They are vision boards artified with more attention to detail" according to Anna in Brooklyn, a four-time Dreamlist creator.

According to Harvard research, writing down our goals increases the chances of accomplishing them by 60%. There is additional value and catharsis in turning our dreams into art. After a successful pilot with dreamers in over 20 countries, from Taiwan to France sending in their dreams, The Dreame Collective has discovered that 90% of the dreams have been accomplished when visualized.


What Are YOur Dreams?

Life is a journey. Rather than starting from scratch, you are invited to set realistic dreams and visualize them with a selection of Dreame Artists with diverse styles.

Brian, a Dreamlist artist and father of two daughters in Bangor, Ireland, shares, “There is a great sense of emotional reward that I get with each new Dreamlist. Regardless of who or where it comes from, each shares the same sense of joy and hope for the future that is part of what makes us human. I feel very privileged to have been shown that."



A glimpse of one dream: To embrace the journey. Co-Created in San Francisco & Bangor

A glimpse of one dream: To embrace the journey. Co-Created in San Francisco & Bangor

A glimpse of one dream: To ride with horses in Mongolia. Co-Created in London & Tel Aviv

A glimpse of one dream: To ride with horses in Mongolia. Co-Created in London & Tel Aviv

A glimpse of one dream: To perform in Broadway. Co-Created in New York & Paris

A glimpse of one dream: To perform in Broadway. Co-Created in New York & Paris

A glimpse of one dream: To improve the world for the better. Co-Created in New York & London

A glimpse of one dream: To improve the world for the better. Co-Created in New York & London

Couple Goals. To write a screenplay & to spend more quality time with friends

Couple Goals. To write a screenplay & to spend more quality time with friends

The Dreamlist was created to pin down the dreams that are truly important to us. You can send us personal, couple, family and/or professional goals to be transformed into a visual and daily reminder.

Our physical and mental strength is becoming increasingly intertwined with our self-connection, self-growth, and mindfulness. "We have all of these distractions in life that it’s so easy to get sidetracked. From social media to in-person socializing, over-indulgence in television, and everything in between, it’s quite easy to veer off track. It’s important to stay on course, keep motivated and enrich yourself with a daily dose of inspiration". From Harvard MBA Research

Contact Us


”I accomplished all of my dreams within 6 months of receiving my dreamlist.”

Shirlee Harel Klein

"Every year I write my goals for the year. Last year I received an amazing gift; all my goals in art form. Every time I look at my phone, I look at my goals. Like learning taking a trip with my dad, learning how to salsa dance and throwing myself a kick ass birthday party."

Anna Phillips

"One of the best manifestation tools. You write down your dream/vision, and then someone else talented drew a painting of it! Love it, always works!"

Daniel Goldstein

"Turn your new year dreams, wishes and goals into art and then into reality. Dreamlists are taking vision boarding and manifesting to the next level"

Sophia Li

"Dreamlist was the most special and meaningful gift I could have ever given. I ordered a Dreamlist as a gift, and the experience was quick and resulted in a gift that resonated deeply for the gift recipient. I'm so pleased with the beautiful result."

Rachel Brender Ziv

"As a recurring customer, I use Dreame to create lasting imagery out of thoughts and dreams that would otherwise have been forgotten. The artists are wonderful at producing art out of vague and tangled narratives!"

Naomi Setton

"In order to set goals for yourself, you must imagine them. I decided to have an artist visualize them so that now they are always in front of me. Having this meaningful art piece in front of my eyes has helped me accomplish many goals!"

Tal Nimrodi